Using Customer Insights to Spark Transformation with Scott Seidewitz

Learn how to use customer insights to spark transformation. Scott Seidewitz is a leader, innovator, and contrarian who is not afraid to challenge the conventional wisdom in the marketing strategy and research field. For more than 17 years, his firm, The Seidewitz Group, has helped companies large and small use deep customer understanding to grow […]

Undertold and Undersold: The Story Of Nebraska with Tony Goins

Hear from Tony Goins of the Nebraska Department of Economic Development. Three Takeaways:1. Make our value proposition go viral. Know what differentiates us from other states and tell the story from the mountain tops!2. Create short video clips and share through your social media channels. Flood the airways with positive Nebraska scenes!3. Weave the message […]

How to Pick the Right Social Media Tools with Casey Mills

This is a virtual event. Choosing social media tools can be daunting. There are many vendors, many options, many functions and a lot of what you don’t need. We’ll discuss a system that can help select the right tools for you. Attendees will walk away with tips and recommendations for evaluating tools and a list […]

September SkillSchool: How to Build a Killer Social Brand in 2020

This is a virtual event. Join us for our September SkillSchool with Natalie Micale, Account Director and Co-Founder of Oh Hello. There’s always another excuse for why we procrastinate using social media. By not building a social brand right now, you may be putting your career future at risk. In this 90-minute SkillSchool workshop, Natalie […]

Reaching Consumers Across Screens: The Convergence of TV, OTT & Digital Video

Key Takeaways: After this session you’ll be able to: -       Identify your multi-platform campaign goals and metrics -       Choose the right engagement strategy based on your target audience -       Generate and activate your media plan across screens Description: As the media landscape evolves, the lines between TV, Streaming, and Digital Video are blurring. Marketers are challenged with reaching […]

Marketing Automation To Save You Time and Money with Angie Kubicek

This is a virtual event. For this nonprofit round table, we are going to break out into small groups and work on developing automated nurturing communications that foster relationships with your donors. Get excited to roll up your sleeves and develop a strategy that you can implement that day (or next week, it is a […]

Social Media Round Table: Paid Content vs. Ads and How They Work Together

Stop thinking in terms of organic and paid social media and start thinking in terms of content and ads. This is a virtual event.Stop thinking in terms of organic and paid social media and start thinking in terms of content and ads. Social is largely pay to play and while there are brands who still […]