Latest Past Events

Harnessing the Power of Video Marketing in 2020 by Ali Schwanke

The Graduate Hotel 141 North 9th Street, Lincoln, NE 68508, Lincoln

The AMA Lincoln Signature Speaker Series brings in an expert speaker each month to explore and educate on a variety of marketing-related topics. Each Signature Speaker Series event includes lunch.  According to Social Media Today, up to 72% of consumers prefer learning about a product or service from a video. Plus, 88% of video marketers reported […]

Slacktivism: Cause Marketing in 2020 by Clover Frederick

The Graduate Hotel 141 North 9th Street, Lincoln, NE 68508, Lincoln

The AMA Lincoln Signature Speaker Series brings in an expert speaker each month to explore and educate on a variety of marketing-related topics. Each Signature Speaker Series event includes lunch.  Slacktivism - The self-deluded idea that by liking, sharing, or retweeting something you are helping out. (Urban Dictionary). Can businesses really make a profit and […]

Using an Online-Only Business Mindset by Chris Leone, WebStrategies, Inc.

The Graduate Hotel 141 North 9th Street, Lincoln, NE 68508, Lincoln

In this changing world of technology and consumer choices, all industries may soon compete with online-based, technology-rich solutions that offer customer experiences. To stave off these new competitors, industries need to rethink their marketing approach and how they hold their people, vendors and campaigns accountable. Join us as we navigate through difficult, yet thought-provoking questions […]